Telling Others About Your Addiction
By Dr.Fourkan Ali
Those affected by addiction often go unnoticed
until the problem becomes really serious and it starts to have a negative
impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. By this stage, it can
be difficult for the sufferer to admit that he or she has a problem. Many will
be in denial while others prefer to say they do not have a problem rather than
admitting it and having to get help.
Family members and friends often find it tough
to convince their addicted loved one that they have a problem and that
professional help should be sought. Those with addiction may be embarrassed or
ashamed and might, therefore, be worried about telling others. Some will have
hidden their addiction so well from others that they may be scared to open up
and admit the truth.
Telling Your Family
If you are one such addicted individual, it
could be the case that you have been given an ultimatum at work and have been
told that you will lose your job unless you agree to get treatment. If this is
the case, you may be scared to tell your family. However, the reality is that
no matter how well you think you have hidden your addiction, the chances are
that your family already know that something is not right.
Addiction changes the way that the brain
works, affecting your personality in the process. Your family may not know that
you have been abusing drugs or have been secretly gambling for example, but
they will be aware that you have been behaving oddly and acting differently to
They could end up being shocked and surprised,
but they will likely be there to support you through your recovery journey.
Telling Your Friends
Telling your friends can be difficult,
especially if your friends are the people you regularly drink or take drugs
with. If this is the case, you need to be honest with them and tell them that
you will not be able to socialise with them for a while. Doing this will take
courage, but it must be done if you are to get better.
If you have not been drinking or taking drugs
with your friends, then you should still tell them what is going on in your
life. If they are good friends, they will be there to support you and may be
able to help out when necessary.
Telling Your Employer
If you have been continuing to go to work
throughout your addiction, you may think that your employer is unaware that you
have a problem; this, however, is unlikely. Even if you have been going to work
every day, it is very likely that you have been underperforming for a while.
Some people are fearful of telling their
employer that they need to take time off for addiction treatment because of the
stigma that is still attached to this illness. It is understandable that you
may be wary of telling your employer, so it would be a good idea to first find
out about your company’s policies on addiction and treatment. Large companies
tend to have these policies in place but, if you work for a smaller company, it
could be harder to access this information.
If you believe that you may be negatively affected
by coming clean about your addiction to your employer, you should ask for time
off for a health condition. Your doctor should be able to write a letter
confirming that you need time off for a medical condition.
The Importance of Accessing Treatment
You should never let your concerns about
telling others get in the way of accessing treatment for your addiction. By
doing nothing, your addiction will simply get worse and, if this happens,
everyone will find out anyway.
The most important
thing right now is to get the help you need to overcome your addiction. You can
deal with everything else once you are in recovery. Addiction advice is available regardless of the stage of
recovery you are embracing.
Source: Website
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