Characteristics of an Addict
By Dr. Fourkan Ali
Addiction is an illness that affects individuals from
all walks of life. It can affect people regardless of their age, gender, race,
and economic background. The trouble with addiction is that it is a gradual
illness and many do not realise they have a problem until it is very serious.
Some have an idea in their head of what an
addict is and, in their mind, they do not fit the profile. However, although
addicts come in all shapes and sizes, they all share many of the following
common characteristics:
An addict may have
tried to quit his or her drug of choice or cut down but found they were unable
to do so.
Addicts do not develop
their problems overnight; they occur gradually over time and the person will
have been using for quite a while.
Addicts will begin to
experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. This could be physical
symptoms if they are abusing a chemical substance such as drugs or alcohol.
However, if it is an activity such as gambling to which they are addicted, the
problems could be psychological.
Addicts initially
believe that their drug of choice makes them feel better and provides relief
from stresses in their lives.
Addicts will become
tolerant to the substance or activity, which will cause them to need more of it
to achieve the same effects.
Some addicts use a
particular substance simply because it is there. The accessibility of a
particular substance or activity can prolong the desire to use.
Addictive Personality
Some people are more likely to end up with
addictions than others are. Those who have suffered emotional trauma as
children or who come from families where addiction was present are more likely
to have what is known as ‘addictive personalities’. It is their background and
environment that leads them to develop addictive behaviours.
These individuals very rarely find
satisfaction in their endeavours but they will continue to look for things that
will give them pleasure. They are seeking substances or activities that will
replace feelings of pain or will prevent them from having to deal with
Types of Tolerance
As addiction progresses, the addict becomes
tolerant to the effects of his or her drug of choice. This means that the
person will need more of it to achieve the same high. This is the same for
substances and activities. It is not just a physical tolerance that occurs but
also a psychological one. Some suffer from both physiological and psychological
A physical tolerance occurs when a person is
abusing a particular substance. As the substance enters the body, it begins to
affect basic functions. The individual’s brain changes the way it functions to
adapt to this new substance, and it begins to ‘expect’ it. As the body gets
used to this substance, more is required to achieve the same highs as before.
Psychological tolerance occurs when a person
develops a belief that he or she needs this substance to experience pleasure.
They feel a need for it and believe that they have to have it at certain times
or in certain situations.
Help for Addiction
It is a widely held belief by many addiction
experts that anyone can beat addiction with the right help and support. No
matter how serious the problem, it can be overcome. There are many different
tools and techniques used, and most rehab clinics will use a combination of
approaches that they best believe will help the individual.
It is no longer the case that the same
treatment is used for every person. Even though most addicts share a number of
characteristics, every patient should be treated as an individual and given a
plan of care that will work effectively for him or her.
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