Thursday, September 1, 2016

YABA:the source of endless energy and nurturing

YABA: The source of super sexual crave and desire, the source of endless energy and nurturing of the INNER MONSTER
By Dr.Fourkan Ali
An anonymous guy said: ‘It aroused intense sexual feelings in me. I craved for sex all day. That 24/7 rush feeling of ejaculation! I would often call my girlfriend home to have long endless hours of sex’. 
An anonymous young girl said: ‘I felt I slimmed down a lot after having it. Lost weight like anything and I cheekily boast a perfect curvy figure and I think I look much more physically attractive now’.

An anonymous student quoted: ‘I could study for endless days and nights. I was studying for 5 days straight without any hours of sleep before my exam. I felt like a genius superhero and scored great in my exam. Thank you Yaba-Daba-Doo’.Well really ? Is that ALL they felt ? Let us not even go anywhere near answering that. I expect the readers to show a bit of patience to read through the entire piece. It would barely take 8-10 minutes out of your busy life I know but maybe worth it. You may end up knowing things that you wont know anywhere else. Convinced? Here we go.

So what is Yaba (also known in the streets as Hitler's Drug, Yaa baa, Baba, Ya ba, Yah Bah, Shabu, Bhul Bhuliya, Chocaleee, Nazi speed) that is giving you unparallel sexual prowess, gifting you slim trendy figure and beauty and providing you with endless source of energy to work hard all day long?


Yaba originally contained ‘methamphetamine’. However in South East Asia, the recently sold modified versions of the pills contain Methamphetamine laced and brushed withCaffeine. It usually comes in the form of lush pink pills with two letters, "WY", impressed on them. As a rule, yaba smells of vanilla and can be smoked on tin foil or swallowed. The dependence potential of yaba when smoked is considered at least three times as high as that of ecstasy (another popular western drug).

Methamphetamine is engineered to trick your brain. It can keep you awake, stop you from eating and can make you feel ‘brave’.  Yaba has a very strong stimulating effect. When smoked, the drug creates an intense effect similar to that of crack cocaine. Only that its lasts much longer.


The Japanese invented ‘meth’ way ago but it had no real purpose until they found out its actual effective use: During War. The Japanese war pilots reportedly took the help of the drug meth and the ‘resultant brave feelings induced from it’ to fly fearlessly during their suicidal bombing missions. The result: A deathly fearless group of pilots raising havoc in the air. That was meth.

But the drug with the modern day name of Yaba, was originally created during the World War II by German chemists instructed by Adolf Hitler to find a stimulant that would help his soldiers to fight around the clock. It killed their appetite and hunger for food, they felt brave, they felt sleepless, they felt confident, brimming  with energy, which enabled them to fight and kill and slaughter the oppositions for days and nights without any food or sleep. It made them efficient and brutal. The strong feeling of warmth and connection with the people around, the best felt effect of Yaba, made them a team. Soldiers felt connected with each other and fought as a team to become one of the world’s most lethal forces.


The so-called Nazi method of making Yaba was first noticed in Thailand more than 30 years ago. At the time it was legal and would be sold at petrol stations alongside soft drinks and cigarettes. Long-distance lorry drivers would pop the pills to help them work through the night. Possession and supply of Yaba was criminalised in 1970, but the market simply went underground. Almost the entire nation went crazy, more than a half of the nation’s working class started taking regular pills to increase their work efficiency. Many corporate office bosses ‘officially’ supplied their employees with pills to keep up production. Hugely popular amongst construction worker and cab drivers, the meth in Yaba enabled the consumers to stay awake tirelessly, work more shifts and earn more money. The pressure to compete and survive in the world of the fittest created an entire generation of Thai meth addicts.

It made them feel ‘they have to keep doing something, always’. They felt they could not stand and sit still- they had the passion for work, long hours of work. A worker explained ‘I am earning double the amount I would have if I had not taken it ever. When I don’t have it however, my muscles don’t work and to work again I need to take more Yabas to get back my will to work again’. Readers, do you read that ?

In Bangkok Yaba helped to boom the street sex industry by massive proportion. In the Red Light District it created a 24 hour market for sex. A 17 year old female sex worker explained to National Geographic ‘More Yaba meant I can have more ‘boyfriends’ and more ‘boyfriends’ meant more money. When I don’t have it, I feel tired and hungry. With a couple of smoke again however, I am wide awake, relaxed, not worried. It feels good’. The money they earned from the sex industry was usually sent home. But when they were starting to become dependent on Yaba, the money that they once used to send back home was now being used for something else: for buying ‘more yabas’. The beginning of the viscous circle of addiction! Methamphetamine : The more you use, the more you need. Young potential students drained their potential into sex industries and were expert in the consumption of it even at the age of 15.

Thailand went crazy with the continuous spread of the ‘YA BA’ (Thai)- translated in English-‘THE CRAZY MEDICINE’, and the Government after estimating that 3 million people were consuming it on regular basis launched brutal crackdown on the Yaba industry and the addicts in 2003 under the banner ‘all out attack on drugs’, killing almost 2000 suspected drug dealers in three months time.

Surprisingly, frustratingly and hilariously so on a lighter note, although, Yaba was used by the Germans and Adolf Hilter to groom and create a lethal force of Nazis;  used by the Thai people to increase production rate and work efficiency, Yaba, in Southeast and East Asia including Bangladesh,  emerged as SUBSTANCE OF ABUSE. Bangladesh just welcomed the beast released by Europe and Thailand in the worst possible manner.

Speedy rise of its popularity and use in younger generation, particularly in affluent circles, is a grave concern for the parents and the society. It is estimated that there are about 4.6 million regular users of Yaba in Bangladesh and the number is increasing alarmingly every day.

The ‘Nikita’ & ‘Pushpita’ scandal (colloquially referred to as Yaba Shundoris / Senorita Yabas after the incident) in relation to Yaba stormed the country in 2007 where the spread of the poison named Yaba came into the mainstream media like anything. It shook people’s morale as to what was going underground and RAB later on seized thousands and lakhs of Yaba pills in the process of time till date.

More recently, the drug has come into the mainstream media news and reports again in relation to the alleged murder of slain Special Branch inspector Mahfuzur Rahman, and two others where the prime suspect reportedly is his 17 year old alleged Yaba addict daughter (who is not named here because she is a minor) and her friends involved in the aforementioned drug.

Well, Yaba? Murder? Parents being killed by their own blood? Can there be an actual causal link?
Let us, for the time being, forget about the case absolutely and instead try to understand what Yabas do to you in the long run. 

I am taking ‘you’ as an imaginary second person to understand what I am trying to explain. Well you, the reader, if you want to subjectively understand what actually goes on, are more than welcome to consider that you are actually taking the drug and that I am trying to talk it out with you.

  1. Remember me during the beginning of this writing talking about how it kills your hunger for 5 days continuous? Well you are not eating for 5 days in a row. Realistically and actually, think, is it not a false feeling being generated inside you that you are actually not hungry. Practically are you not harming yourself believing in the false belief
  2. Remember talking about it how makes you feel you are connected to the people around? The feeling of warmth from the people around when you are high on yaba? So when you are not consuming it, would you feel the same connection with the surrounding people? Think! No, realistically, you would withdraw yourself from your social ties because when not on Yaba you would feel the same people to be not connected to you so much. The same brother, the same sister, the same parents would seem like strangers. Worse if they continuously bug you to not have the drug, you would develop a constant hateful heart, if worse vengeful. They thus become your worst enemy. Result? The Social Withdrawal Symptom.  
  3. Remember talking about how it makes you feel inherently sexual? The crave, the desire and the total increment of sexual pleasure in sex whilst on Yaba? Remember? Would you find the same desire, the same pleasure, the same crave for sex whilst not on Yaba then? Think! No you would not. Your sexual drive, your sexual desires and crave would perish whenever you are not having it. So sex without Yaba will be as bad as no sex to you. Sex would be the most boring thing for you, and this would ultimately affect your sexual drive and realistically your potency. Depressing? 
  4. Remember suicide bombing pilot squad committing themselves fearlessly whilst on Yaba? Would one, if not mental, do that with a mind applying sense? This is so insane that I guess this does not require a further explanation. So a person who on yaba can fearlessly himself/herself, can he not kill some one else? The heartless ! The mindless.
The list can go on and I can show as many instances what you would do whilst on Yaba, you would NOT by any means while the Methamphetamine is not running through your veins i.e whilst you are not having this so called ‘crazy medicine’ inside you. So why would you do all these, or how can you be doing all these with Yaba?  

Once you know, you would be dreading and fearing this Monstrous Poison that is guaranteed to take you over and out completely.

To understand how it enables you to do so many things, you have to understand its effect and impact on the body. The following are just some of the effects of taking Yaba: Increased heart beat; dehydration; paranoid feeling and panic reactions; sweating; insomnia; irritability; hallucinations; depression. Therefore, your heart beats faster, the blood travels faster, you think faster, you take hurried decisions, and you make your body work incessantly. The artificial hormone secretions to calm you down, your false sense of well-being and energy, pushing of the body faster and further than it is meant to go, the euphoria , the rush, the hyperthermia, the increased respiration all culminates to give rise to‘someone’ more efficient, more aggressive, more confident, more daring, more brave than what you actually are.  

Can you, the changed you, therefore, commit something which you would not have done so if you did not have methamphetamine driving you crazy? Can you shout abuse at your best friend? Can you injure someone you don’t care for at all? Can you kill someone you hate, therefore? Can you commit suicide from the guilt of committing things that you did not want to do, therefore? I would leave these questions to be answered by the readers but an affirmative answer is what the long term affects of Yaba suggest.

Try to understand, and this needs only the brain of a school boy/girl to do so, that if something makes you more friendly, social, outgoing, brave, sexual, confident, energetic, happy and if you can only be so when dependent on the drug, your false ‘satisfaction’ would be lost the moment you would stop taking such drug. With drug, would go away your life, your friends, your confidence, your energy, your sexual urge, your happiness and you yourself. Do you let that thing take control of you!? Decide.

Yaba was dangerous, as many thought, and had a high potential for abuse and dependence. This is exactly what happened to people in Bangladesh: a catastrophe! Moderate to chronic use of Yaba lead to physical and psychological dependence and even death. As with any drug, tolerance to Yaba develops with chronic use causing the addicted user to take more pills in an effort to reach the same level of intensity or high.

Methamphetamine is highly addictive, with many long-term users taking 5-10 pills daily. In the long term, meth use can cause irreversible harm: increased heart rate and blood pressure; damaged blood vessels in the brain that can cause strokes or an irregular heartbeat that can, in turn, cause cardiovascular collapse or death; and liver, kidney and lung damage. Users may suffer brain damage, including memory loss and an increasing inability to grasp abstract thoughts. Those who recover are usually subject to memory gaps and extreme mood swings. Serious consequences can include insomnia, confusion, hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. Other reported symptoms also include psychotic episodes, violent behavior, paranoid delusions, mental confusion, lower back pain, possibly from damage to the liver or kidneys  during when a person can do anything, and I do mean ANYTHING. In some cases, use can cause convulsions that lead to death.

The choice is yours people. Do you want to live like a ‘super human’ for three years and then end up withdrawn from the society, all blooded and killed jumping from a rooftop, killing near and dear ones, with body full of ache and heart full of grief or do you want to live long enough to see what this beautiful world has to offer ?

Well I am not a doctor. Why am I writing this? I am writing this because I care for you all. I am concerned about my country, its youths, my brothers, sisters and strangers even. Even If a single person has changed his/her mind being advocated and inspired by me, I would feel blessed.


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