Illegal drug prices falling as purity, potency rise, research finds
|By Dr.Fourkan Ali
price of cocaine, heroin and marijuana have fallen over the last two decades
while the purity and potency of these illegal drugs have risen, according to
new research.
In a paper published online
recently in the journal BMJ Open, researchers say a review of drug surveillance
databases suggests that global efforts to combat illegal drugs have failed to
curb supply.
reviewing online drug surveillance databases for governments across the globe,
researchers said they documented a clear drop in the price of illegal drugs in
major drug consuming nations, as well as a trend toward larger drug seizures by
trends, combined with increased drug potency, suggested that "the global
supply of illicit drugs has likely not been reduced in the previous two
decades," wrote lead author Dan Werb, an epidemiologist at Canada's
British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.

is hoped that this study highlights the need to re-examine the effectiveness of
national and international drug strategies that place a disproportionate
emphasis on supply reduction at the expense of evidence-based prevention and
treatment of problematic illegal drug use," Werb and his colleagues wrote.
United Nations has estimated that the global illicit drug trade is worth at
least $350 billion a year. In addition to the harm associated with drug use,
narcotics are also a key factor in the transmission of blood-borne diseases
like HIV, the authors wrote.
to study authors, the average inflation-adjusted prices of heroin, cocaine and
cannabis in the United States decreased by 81%, 80% and 86%, respectively,
between 1990 and 2007. At the same time, their average purity increased by 60%,
11% and 161%, respectively, authors wrote.
U.S. seizures of cocaine fell by roughly half between 1990 and 2010, while
those of marijuana and heroin rose 465% and 29%, respectively.
authors said they observed similar trends in Europe, where the price of opiates
and cocaine decreased by 74% and 51%, respectively. Seizures for cocaine and
cannabis fluctuated, but heroin seizures rose 380% by 2009.
acknowledged that their study had limitations. It did not include
amphetamine-type stimulants and other new synthetic drugs and was limited to
certain regions. Also, researchers said that price and purity of illegal drugs
were not the only indicators of drug availability and that future studies
should include other measures, such as street-level questionnaires given to
drug users.
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