Global Drug Survey 2015 findings
Dr.Fourkam Ali
What did we learn from
An overview of our key findings
Dr Adam R Winstock, Founder Director GDS
An overview of our key findings
Dr Adam R Winstock, Founder Director GDS
Well first just how
generous were people with their time?
We estimate that over
the duration of the study (Nov-Dec 2014) over 100,000 people spent in excess
4 million minutes, or
67,000 hours, or
2800 days, or
400 weeks, or
7.5 years sharing
their drug use experiences with us.
So a HUGE thanks to
you all. GDS does not exist without you
I also want to acknowledge
the unbelievable help that all our partners and the academic network and harm
reduction groups around world provide with revising and translating the survey
then working so closely with all our media partners. In particular, I want to
acknowledge the vital role that Dr Jason Ferris, our chief biostats man, has
provided with the analysis and production of reports. Thanks mate
Well working our way
from the more common to less commonly used drugs these are some of interesting
things we found out
Ireland’s reputation
for heavy drinking is well deserved. Not only did Ireland have higher rates of
drinkers at risk of dependence (AUDIT score of 20 or more), they report needing
to drink more alcohol than almost any other country to get as drunk as they
would want to be but they also had the highest rates of getting more drunk more
often than they wanted to, thinking their doctor would tell them to drink less,
attending A&E after drinking more often and perhaps thankfully the highest
proportion of drinkers who want to drink less in the coming year
But the Irish
stereotype aside (Australia, Netherlands, UK and NZ you can’t smile) I was
struck by 2 things
There is NOT a fine
line between getting as drunk as you would want get and being more drunk than
you want. It’s about a 30% line (see the graphs below). Now not only is the
mean amount of alcohol about 90gm for women and 120mg gm for men – about 5
times above what the WHO advise as the maximum amount to drink on a days
So with 20-25% of
people on average saying they were getting more drunk more often than they
wanted to (‘tipped’ at least monthly) here is my advice. When you get to the
place you feel as intoxicated with alcohol as you want to, SLOW your drinking
down. The tipping point for many people is just one or 2 drinks, so if you want
to have a better, cheaper healthier night, just slow down and drink a little
less. Want some advice go to or
get it free on the app stores
The other thing I
learned is how different things motivate different groups to change their
drinking, with social embarrassment being a huge motivator for many especially
the Germans, Swiss Austrians and the Aussies. If you want to see how much of an
ARSE (stands for Alcohol Related Social Embarrassment score) you are when you
drink try the GSS One Too Many test at .
For tobacco we learned
that far to many cannabis smokers continue to mix their weed / resin with
tobacco and that we should strive to be like Americans or the Kiwis. And for
all the fears over e-cigarettes while many smokers have tried them the
proportion who go on to become of daily users is very small, though last year
prevalence in many countries is increasing. More e-ciggie companies for the
tobacco companies to buy I guess
And while high potency
herbal cannabis dominates the world market and carries the greatest risk of
harms it seems other types can also land you in the emergency department as
Sadly the uptake of
vapourisers by the cannabis using community is still in its infancy – lots of
lungs to be saved from harm out there.
While high potency
cannabis remains dominant we learned that butane hash oil (BHO) is starting to
nudge its way into the cannabis using community with over 2500 people sharing
their thoughts on this new form of cannabis. Faster, stronger and possibly with
higher risks of swifter development of tolerance and withdrawal it’s too early
to pass judgment. It does allow for other methods of use to be adopted however
as shown below and this might be a good thing
Hopefully more
balanced BHO oils will appear and will encourage the use of vape pens so the
typical trajectory of increased potency leading to increased problematic use
and dependence can be exchanged for greater control and harm reduction. For
this to be a reality the marijuana industry needs to get on board and provide an
index to inform customers of risks and how to avoid them. And given one in 4
reported making BHO at home some occupational health and safety advice on
choice of solvent, the need for good ventilation and to avoid unsightly
explosions are probably needed. GDS will launch the world’s first ever
safer drug use limits – starting with the cannabis guidelines on June 17th
Synthetic cannabis
But while BHO may be
the new ‘natural kid on the block’, GDS’s work on synthetic cannabinoids
continues to cause great concern. For the third year running these drugs were
more to likely to leave people needing emergency medical treatment than any
other group we explored this year- with 3.5% of last year users reporting
having sought EMT in the last year a (30% increase from 2.5% last year). The
risk increased to one in 8 users who reported using 100 or more times.
This confirms our work published in March that the risk of seeking EMT
was 30 times higher with SC products than high potency herbal cannabis (skunk,
hydro). Our findings also highlighted the risk of dependence on these drugs
with over 60% of those using 50 or more times reporting withdrawal symptoms on
cessation. While herbal preparations remain the most common we also saw the
appearance of crystal, resin and liquid forms
GDS remains confused
as to why there remains a market for such an unsafe and less pleasant drug than
the natural alternative. Our findings on the motivations among users of novel
psychoactive substances (NPS) however suggests that price might be a key driver,
with the average gram of synthetic cannabis (SC) costing €8 vs. €12 for weed,
with most people getting 10 joints from a gram of SC vs. 3 from a gram of
natural. Among some groups where access to natural cannabis is difficult there
may be a greater attraction – such as prisons (where I work part time) and
where people wish to avoid detection in drug screens. Think your train drivers,
miners and truckers! Profits margins are huge, export is easy and
regulation unenforceable. Perhaps cannabis dealers might like to lower the
price of their produce, offer something other than high THC weed and
governments consider if their regulation efforts on cannabis like products
might be focused elsewhere? Maybe even offer some safe using limit guidelines
for cannabis now it’s legal in some places. Oh hang on GDS is already doing
that and releasing them in mid June!
Other novel psychoactive drugs (NPS)
Synthetic cannabinoids
whilst the most numerous in terms of new notifications and market share are not
the only class of NPS being marketed and used out there. And while GDS wont
jump in the media scare mongering we did find that the rate seeking EMT on NPS
generally was at least 3 x greater than for traditional illicit drugs (see
graph below)
Unknown potency,
limited honest product information (due to government regulation) and varied
effect and risk profiles make shiny packets not a great way to get high. But as
usual the factors leading to people seeking EMT on new drugs are pretty similar
to the risks with old. The GDS poem for new drug takers is ‘If you take a drug
you do not know our advice start low go slow and ask a mate to keep an eye on
you cos you never know with something new’. If governments are going to ‘ban
all new drugs that get you high’ then they need to better educate people who
use traditional drugs to use them more safely. The GDS High-Way-Code does exactly this
They’re on the
decline. They may be more numerous but GDS has spotted a year decline in the UK
and this has been noted elsewhere. Why? Because beyond being cheap, most of
these new drugs offer less desirable and a more risky experience than the
traditional drugs used across the world. And given drug use is a
goal-orientated behavior with consumers making generally smart informed
decisions around what they use, unless new drugs convey significant advantage
in one or more domains (and price for some is very important) few will catch on
The UK still uses more
than most but really with the re-emergence of better quality traditional drugs
and the dark net I am unsure where these much hyped drugs are going in most
Cocaine remains the
world most expensive drug per gram in the world (cannabis seeds are the most
expensive though not strictly a drug of course). Most users (80%) use less than
10 times in the last 12 months in most countries at a mean price of 70 euros, he
average of consumed dose of 1/2gm seems to be an example of harm reduction by
price (minimum pricing in the UK). NZ and Australia remain the priciest place
to buy cocaine in the world – why – because their border control is great and
the size of the markets they offer to cartels is small. The presence of crystal
meth also helps (or not, since it is a drug with whole loads more problems for
users in most cases). Certainly cocaine markets have responded to the
possibility of competition and low satisfaction with their product with a
global two-tier market both at ounce/kilo level and street dealing gram levels.
The graph below shows prices in EUROS. And before you think of going to Brazil
for cocaine don’t, but you have to wait till they come out with their findings
later this month to find out why.
But the Emergency Room
and the Accident & Emergency Dept are not only the preserve of those taking
new drugs and clearly on a population level and when considering the public
health and economic costs, alcohol wins hands down. No surprise there but we
were kind of shocked that 1% of last year cannabis users had sought EMT in the
previous 12 months (compared to 1.2. % of drinkers). That’s a lot of people who
are using a drug that we kind of think of as not that risky at least in the
short term. Now while most reported feeling ‘back to normal’ within a day,
overwhelmingly they’d smoked high potency weed – so once again potency ain’t
always a good thing. Again we hope some guidelines might help
MDMA – sometimes bigger is not better
Now I know some people
will give me a hard time if I keep on about the emergency room and acute drug
problems, but we also saw a tripling in the number of last year MDMA users
seeking EMT from 0.3% in GDS2013 to 0.6% in GDS2014 to 0.9 in GDS2015.
Now although it’s important to note that GDS2013 was predominately UK, AU
and USA whilst GDS2014 and GDS2015 involved much larger samples and more more
countries, the trend is striking and worries me that better quality MDMA in
pill or powder form, taken unwisely taken places people at greater risk of harm.
Don’t be making pills with 200mg + of MDMA in them please
Now although we saw a
huge increase in participation rates and countries over those years you can
escape the fact pills and MDMA crystal are about in abundance. Sometimes these
pills contain in excess of 200mg and occasionally 300mg of MDMA, twice and
three times what most people think is a reasonable dose. While the mean amount
of MDMA consumed over a session seems to be about 1/4gm some countries are
going way above that. No surprise that it is the UK topping the list at a
whacking mean dose of 0.42mg/session (see slide below). I asked Vice’s Dutch
editor Thijs Roes who had interviewed several pill producers what he thought
was behind the production of these super dose pills. He told me: “What they’re
doing is basically a pissing contest. One told me it was a competition between
manufacturers and a race against themselves. The other described his 330mg
pill as a flagship product, as a way to get known in the scene. They felt that
users would know to dose them, and that the amount of MDMA would eventually
stabilize around 200mg”. Our request would be make standard pills of 80-100mg
and put the dosage on them – way more useful than logos for all concerned, and
if you are knocking out 200mg pills put a big groove down the middle so people
figure out they should just take half (or even better a quarter). Every time
you get a new pill always take a quarter to start with and wait at least 60-90
minutes before dosing ‘start low go slow’
All of this combined
with frequent consumption with alcohol and combining pills and powder explains
the high rates of EMT we are seeing. What it says to me is that better quality
drugs can cause more harm that rubbish ones – unless you know what your taking.
Once again so many of these admissions could have been avoided with some common
sense – see the GDS Highway Code for a safer use guide voted for by 80,000 people
who use drugs at……. We’ll tell you more about just what the risk of seeking EMT
is on MDMA and who is most risk at Club Health in Lisbon on June 17
Nitrous oxide / laughing gas
Some drugs sit in that
grey area of legal versus not. Nitrous oxide is such a drug. And it remains
true that a few balloons taken every now and then, somewhere safe and when
you’re not already ‘munted‘ is not going to do you any harm but our data from
almost 7000 last years users offers some words of caution. First thing is the big
increase between GDS2014 and GDS2015 is people who reported being worried about
the impact of nitrous oxide on their physical health – tripling from 2.5% to
over 7.5%. Second is that nitrous oxide inactivates Vitamin B12. Lack of that
vitamin – commonly in vegetarians can cause anaemia and nerve damage – called a
peripheral neuropathy. Our findings last year suggested a strong dose
response relationship between the amount you used in a session and frequency of
use people reporting numbness and tingling persisting after use – a sign of
peripheral neuropathy. This year with smarter questions developed with the help
of a neurologist (thanks to Dr Paul Hart) our data seems to indicate even more
clearly that somewhere in the region of 4% of last year users are reporting
symptoms consistent with a peripheral neuropathy (numbness / tingling in face,
arms, mouth, legs/shooting pains in limbs that persisted for weeks after last
use). There was strong relationship with how much and how often people used. So
if you use balloons, notice persistent numbness/tingling in your fingers/toes
or around your mouth / face or notice you are off balance or are finding it
hard to operate your phone – go see your doctor. Investigated and managed
quickly the condition should be reversible. This is no laughing matter (the pun
is intentional) and while we fear the media will come up with a headline like
‘hippy crack causes paralysis’ (thanks to Dr Stephen Kaar for that) we do just
want to let people know that if you use a lot there are risks. You can avoid
those risks by not using too much too often. I don’t think we need to regulate
just educate… Our safer use advice
is given below
Don’t inhale directly
from the charger
Avoid mixing in
nitrous when you are off your face on other drugs especially alcohol
Try not to use more
than 5 balloons in a session and leave time between them
Make sure any space
you are using is well ventilated
Don’t use near roads,
canals or other bodies of water
Make sure you got
mates around you in case you fall over and hurt yourself.
Leave several minutes
between rounds of hits and give yourself breaks between periods of use to
refill those vitamin stores. Animal protein (beef and fish in particular),
eggs, cheese are good sources of B12. Fortified soy products and supplements
can be used by vegetarians. And Marmite!!!
If you experience
persistent numbness, tingling or weakness in your fingers, hands or feet, or
notice you’re having difficulty typing or losing your balance or coordination
strop using and go see your doctor.
Finally there are
reports that cheap whipped cream bulbs imported for China leave an oily residue
when the gas evaporates – probably making them unfit to dispense cream let
alone to inhale. So if you are going to inhale try accessing your gas from a
quality supplier.
Prescription medication
We have so much data
on prescription drug use it would take an update all if its own to share all
the stuff we found. So as a cop out I will mention just 2 random things. First
although the US is the biggest consumer and abuser of prescriptions opioids in
the world – according to our cross-country comparisons (and there are
significant limitations here) it looked like the US was the most difficult
place to easily access a prescription for these drugs in the next 7 days. And
unlike the rest of world where codeine (which is a highly respectable and
effective opioid pain killer that gets turned into morphine in your body) is by
far away the most common prescribed opioid – in the US it languishes beneath
the potently profitable oxycontin and hydrocodone – where the US consumes 99%
of the world’s production. The second thing is a request to my medical
colleagues. Our study showed that less than 50% of patients in receipt of
prescription opioids had ever been warned about the risks of addiction, so
please have that conversation upfront when you stat prescribing. Informed
patients are safer patients
The Dark Net
Our work on dark net
markets is already some of the most cited in the world and working with leading
researchers in the field like GDS’s own Dr Monica Barratt we’ve continued to
tell the story of the biggest challenge to drug laws and their enforcement in a
century. This year – just a few weeks after Ross Ulbricht got life without
parole, we show that many of his claims and others that a decentralized drug
market, away from streets and dark alley ways may have some truth. As our graph
below shows shopping on line although not without risk certainly avoids many of
the more dangerous aspects of face-to-face street level purchasing. And our
findings show that year on year note and more people are shopping on the dark
net (see graph below)
Reduced rates of
exposure to violence, less adulterated drugs, more confidence in product
quality and removal from street dealing were clear benefits. But as we
suspected access to lots of drugs for some (it was a quarter of dark net market
users) leads to experimentation with new drugs and extended drug repertoires
which may not be a good thing for some people.
The fact that the
biggest shoppers were from Scandinavia (where GDS did not have media partners
so numbers were small) tells you something about how zero tolerance drug
policies can drive people who like drugs toother sources
And that MDMA,
cocaine, cannabis and LSD top the drugs bought on line support my assertion
that ‘if you put most people on a desert island, and they have access
to good quality cocaine, MDMA or cannabis, very few research chemicals
would get a look in
Cognitive enhancers
For the first time
this year we partnered with a cognitive enhancer expert Dr Larissa Maier. We
found that one in 10 “healthy” (no diagnosis of ADHD) study participants (9.8%)
had ever used prescription or illegal stimulants to improve performance at work
or while studying. However, only half of them or 4.9% of “healthy” study
participants reported using drugs for cognitive enhancement during the past 12
months. Pharmacological cognitive enhancement was more prevalent among
participants with a self-reported attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADD/ADHD); one third (30.2%) reported cognitive enhancement use during the
past 12 months. Participants from New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Hungary
were the most experienced with cognitive enhancement (15.2% to 18.2%), while
the rate of experienced U.S. participants was only slightly above the average
(11.6%). Methylphenidate, illegal stimulants, and dexamphetamine were the
substances most commonly used for enhancement. Most participants reported the
use two to 10 times in the past 12 months, primarily during exam periods or
stressful periods at work (43.6%). Daily stimulant use for cognitive
enhancement use was uncommon, but one third of people who most commonly used
illegal stimulants for enhancement reported at least weekly use for cognitive
enhancement. For the most part, users reported that pharmacological cognitive
enhancement was what they expected or even better. Nevertheless, one fifth of
methylphenidate users and one in 10 dexamphetamine users were not satisfied
with the effects of the drug regarding cognitive enhancement. Finally, one
third of cognitive enhancement users would like to use less next year, but less
than 5% would like to seek help
In case you want to
know what GDS2016 – launching in Nov 2015 will focus on we’ll tell you now
1. Psychedelics – we’ve partnered with the
world’s leading experts to run the biggest study in how and why people use
these fascinating drugs
2. Cannabis as medicine
3. How vaping is changing the way we use drugs
4. How why you use drugs can predict if you’ll
run into problems
5. Drug tourism
6. How putting drug laws up for review / revision
would alter people’s voting patterns at their next election.
Source: website
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