World Drug
Report2015- drug use stable, access to drug & HIV treatment still low
UNODC Chief calls number of drug-related deaths worldwide
unacceptable; Global opium cultivation highest since the late-1930s
By Dr.Fourkan Ali- Drug use prevalence continues to be
stable around the world, according to the 2015 World Drug Report of the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It is estimated that a total of 246
million people - slightly over 5 per cent of those aged 15 to 64 years
worldwide - used an illicit drug in 2013. Some 27 million people are problem
drug users, almost half of whom are people who inject drugs (PWID). An
estimated 1.65 million of people who inject drugs were living with HIV in 2013.
Men are three times more likely than women to use cannabis, cocaine and
amphetamines, while women are more likely to misuse prescription opioids and
Speaking on the International Day against Drug Abuse and
Illicit Trafficking, UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov noted that, although
drug use is stable around the world, only one out of six problem drug users has
access to treatment. "Women in particular appear to face barriers to
treatment - while one out of three drug users globally is a woman, only one out
of five drug users in treatment is a woman." Additionally, Mr Fedotov
stated that more work needed to be done to promote the importance of
understanding and addressing drug dependence as a chronic health condition
which, like other chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, require
long-term, sustained treatment and care. "There is no quick and simple
remedy for drug dependence and we need to invest in long term, medical
evidence-based solutions."
Drug use and its impact on health
A stable yet still unacceptably high number of drug users
worldwide continue to lose their lives prematurely, the UNODC Chief said, with
an estimated 187,100 drug-related deaths in 2013. The World Drug Report
includes data - gathered jointly with UNAIDS, WHO and the World Bank - on HIV
prevalence among PWID. In some countries women who inject drugs are more
vulnerable to HIV infection than men and the prevalence of HIV can be higher
among women who inject drugs than among their male counterparts. The number of
new HIV infections among PWID declined by roughly 10 per cent between 2010 and
2013: from an estimated 110,000 to 98,000. However, the World Drug Report also
indicates that many risk factors, including the transmission of infectious
diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C and the incidences of drug overdoses,
cause the death rate among PWID to be 15 times higher than in the rest of the
While data indicate that the use of opiates (heroin and
opium) has remained stable at the global level and cocaine use has declined
overall, the use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical opioids
has continued to rise. Evidence suggests that more drug users are suffering
from cannabis use disorders, and that cannabis may be becoming more harmful, as
reflected in the high proportion of persons seeking first-time treatment in
several regions of the world. Demand for treatment has also increased for
amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) - including methamphetamine and MDMA or
'Ecstasy' - and for new psychoactive substances (NPS), also known as 'legal
Illegal drug supply and markets
Some 32.4 million people - or 0.7 per cent of the world's
adult population - are users of pharmaceutical opioids and opiates such as
heroin and opium. In 2014, global potential opium production reached 7,554 tons
- the second highest level since the 1930s, mainly due to its cultivation
increasing significantly in Afghanistan, the main growing country. The global
seizures of heroin, meanwhile, increased by eight per cent, while illicit morphine
seizures decreased by 26 per cent from 2012 to 2013.
While maritime trafficking is not the most widely used mode
of smuggling drugs, law enforcement operations at sea have potentially the
greatest impact as the average volumes of seizures is proportionally higher. In
the period 2009-2014, for instance, the average for each seizure by sea was
365kg, while by land (road and rail) it was 107kg and by air 10kg. The 2015
World Drug Report also notes a dynamic shift in the routes used for smuggling
opiates, with Afghan heroin reaching new markets. Recent seizures suggest that
it may have become more common for large shipments of Afghan heroin to be
smuggled across the Indian Ocean into East and Southern Africa. West Africa
continues to be a trans-shipment area for smuggling cocaine across the Atlantic
into Europe, and Eastern Europe is emerging as a transit area and as a
destination for this drug.
This year's World Drug Report indicates that coca bush
cultivation continued to decline in 2013, reaching the lowest level since 1990.
With a global prevalence of 0.4 per cent of the adult population, cocaine use
remains high in Western and Central Europe, North America and Oceania
(Australia) though recent data shows a declining trend overall. Cannabis use is
on the rise and continues to be high in West and Central Africa, Western and
Central Europe, Oceania, and North America. Data for 2013 show an increase in
the quantities of cannabis herb and cannabis resin seized worldwide, reaching
5,764 and 1,416 tons respectively.
Methamphetamine dominates the global market for synthetic
drugs, and is expanding in East and South-East Asia. Crystalline
methamphetamine use is increasing in parts of North America and Europe.
Seizures of ATS since 2009 - which have almost doubled to reach over 144 tons
in 2011 and 2012, and remained at a high level in 2013 - also point to a rapid
expansion in the global market. By December 2014, a total of 541 new
psychoactive substances which have negative health impact had been reported by
95 countries and territories - a 20 per cent increase compared to the previous
year's figure of 450.
Alternative Development as a long-term strategy against
illicit crops
The 2015 World Drug Report thematic focus is on Alternative
Development, a long-term strategy aimed at developing alternative sources of
income for farmers dependent on illicit drug cultivation. This activity is
driven by many factors, including marginalization, the lack of security, and
the social and political situations of rural communities. Alternative
Development aims to reduce these vulnerabilities and ultimately eliminate the
cultivation of illicit drugs. More than 40 years of experience have shown that
this approach works when there is a long-term vision, adequate funding, and the
political support to integrate it into a broader development and governance
agenda. Marketing licit products, land tenure and the sustainable management
and use of land are crucial to the long-term success of alternative development
interventions. "Unfortunately, this year's World Drug Report also shows
that widespread political support for Alternative Development has not been
matched by funding," Mr Fedotov added, as he urged for shared
responsibility against illicit drugs. Funding allocated by OECD countries to
support Alternative Development declined by 71 per cent between 2009 and 2013,
amounting to only 0.1 per cent of global development assistance. UNODC's
Executive Director noted that in the lead up to next year's UN General Assembly
Special Session on the world drug problem, the international community's
post-2015 Development Agenda can help to promote Alternative Development
efforts, with broader interventions addressing drug supply and demand.
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